Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Successful Team Within You

If you're like most people you are basically happy with a few areas of your life and then there are the other areas that you just can't seem to make work. Whether it is finance or relationship, career or health, you have some areas that always seem to be what you need the most work on. You are grateful for the easy parts of your life and you do everything you can to make the other areas work, but how can you get everything to work on an even keel through the Law of Attraction and make life just one big easy journey?

Learning about the Law of Attraction and realizing how your thoughts and feelings make a huge difference in life seems like it will be an easy task. Think positive, you are told, and it all works out. But there is much more to it than that. When you begin to think positively the old repetitive mental patterns that you have grown accustomed to or that perhaps you're not even aware of, begin to pop up and stop you in your tracks. The conscious mind doesn't enjoy change. It's not that it is resistant to it; it's just used to a certain way and prefers you being on automatic pilot.

When you begin to change your beliefs and mental patterns you find that it isn't as easy as you thought it would be. Many people just go back to the life they were living thinking it is just too hard to fight the logical chattering of the mind. But once you begin to work on changing a mental pattern and catching yourself in changing it, it will eventually become the repetitive mental pattern you were looking for and life will change.

See yourself as a Successful Team within. When thinking about what works and doesn't work in your life take each part and see what you like about that particular area of your life. When you come across the harder areas start visualizing that it is a part of your life that works and see each part working together, tapping the same energy that is used for your easier areas of life.

Begin to see it all as working together with life chugging along ever so smoothly. When you are able to openly examine every area and realize it all can be as easy as you envision, your body, your consciousness, your subconscious, your core being within, and the Universe will work together to make sure it happens.

Work on those mental patterns you no longer need in your life and begin to see yourself as a well-oiled machine that understands and rides over every bump nice and easy along your journey. As you begin to see ease and to acknowledge ease in your life, those wonderful thoughts and feelings will attract back to you through the Law of Attraction. You are one Successful Team within. Now it's time to bring out your number one players and have them help the weaker players by uniting them as one team working toward an easy and more fulfilling life using the LOA.
Beth & Lee McCain

Beth and Lee McCain host a popular nationally syndicated weekly radio show called Radio LOA, publish the national LOA magazine, The Indicator, and teach the principles of the Law of Attraction at gatherings and seminars around the world. You are invited to visit Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site for more Law of Attraction information and free study materials.

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